A Guide for LTB Applications

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This week, I spent some time preparing multiple Landlord and Tenant Board applications.

The interplay between the Residential Tenancies Act and the LTB can be complex at times - and that leads to some frustrating rules.

So, while a lot of this is fresh in my mind, I thought I'd create a guide with key points for the more common LTB Applications.

Rather than writing it here, I created a downloadable PDF so you can save it for future reference - just follow the link below.

And as always, let me know your thoughts and experiences with these types of applications.

Information Guides
Free downloadable PDF guides for real estate topics: LTB Application GuideA summary of common Landlord and Tenant Board Applications.LTB Application Guide.pdf336 KBdownload-circle

Written by
Zachary Soccio-Marandola
Real Estate Lawyer

Direct: (647) 797-6881
Email: zachary@socciomarandola.com
Website: www.socciomarandola.com

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